2013 Divine Messages

DIVINE MESSAGE for the month of December 2013

Every day when you practice meditation, you should emerge out with glorious victory over your own mind.

Every session of your meditation should fill you with internal and external happiness.

Your meditation practice should never become a ritual. It should always be with total involvement of body and mind in spirit.

Your daily practice of meditation should rid off your mind totally free from all desires for worldly enjoyments.

Your daily practice of meditation should fully fill you with divine bliss all the time.

Meditate, meditate and meditate.



By Shivabalananda

DIVINE MESSAGE for the month of November 2013

Mind differentiates. Do not follow mind. Meditation integrates. Follow meditation.

Mind knows little. Mind is limited. Mind cannot know the unlimited. Meditation reveals real nature of everything. Meditation reveals your real nature when mind meets its death. in meditation.

You are part of Eternal ever as wave is part of sea ever.

You are part of Almighty ever as ray is part of Sun ever.

You are one and unique as God is one and unique.

Live in One. Eat in One. Drink in One.

You are One in One ever.

Meditate, meditate and meditate.



By Shivabalananda

DIVINE MESSAGE for the month of October 2013

Knowing their own spiritual nature becomes very easy for the devotees if they have even slight inkling of the real nature of their Guru.

Who can know the reality of Guru? Of course none. Only Guru has to reveal it. There is no other easy way to find it out.

All the devotees on this earth are most fortunate to have Swami as their friendly guide on the spiritual path through the regular practice of meditation.

Swami has revealed his real nature to some chosen devotees from time to time in the past. Most of the times he concealed his nature and powers from all the devotees and others.

Now Swami reveals to all the devotees that he is none other than Shiva Himself.

Meditate, meditate and meditate.



By Shivabalananda

DIVINE MESSAGE for the month of September 2013

None can escape the physical and mental sufferings created by own past deeds KARMA.

Regular meditation slowly and steady eliminates the severe adverse effects of KARMA.

The practice of meditation gives insights and inner strength to safe guard health, wealth, peace and happiness under all conditions and circumstances.

Devotees should have positive attitude all the time maintaining the inner calmness. Meditation makes it very easy.

Devotees should try to be happy all the time.

Devotees should never have tension of any kind. Meditation counters all tensions.

Devotees should do meditation first and every thing else afterwards .

Devotees should begin the day with meditation and end the day with meditation.

Meditate, meditate and meditate.



By Shivabalananda

DIVINE MESSAGE for the month of August 2013

Remember all the incidents of My Tapas period, feel and you will get immensely inspired.

Meditate for longer periods on tapas day.

Celebrate tapas day with devotees and you will be benefitted profusely.

Meditate at least twice on tapas day.

Tapas day enables all devotees to be real part of Guru.

Guru blesses all on tapas day.

Meditate, meditate and meditate.



By Shivabalananda

DIVINE MESSAGE for the month of July 2013

Meditate and your intellect will become pure, sharp and illumined. It will illuminate all the paths of your life.

Meditate and your mind will become pure and full of equanimity. It will remain the same all the times in your life.

Meditate and you will get wonderful discrimination of what is real and what is unreal in all the creation. You will not be affected by the happenings of this world good or bad.

Meditate and self content will be yours for ever. It will make your life full of peace and happiness under all circumstances, favourable and unfavourable.

Meditate and gradually all your desires for worldly enjoyments will start vanishing. It will give you happiness within yourself and lead you to the path of non-attachment and ultimate liberation.

Meditate, meditate and meditate.



By Shivabalananda

DIVINE MESSAGE for the month of June 2013

Searching for peace outside is not wise. Waiting for waves of sea/mind to settle down on its own is endlessly futile. Meditate and get established in eternal peace. This is wisdom.

None has got even an iota of happiness outside but wasted precious health, wealth and peace. Happiness is your inner calm nature. Dive deep in meditation and supernatural happiness is yours for ever.

Meditation is not theory. It is one hundred percent practical. It comes closer with regular practice. Searching it in books and lectures is not wise. Practicing meditation regularly more and more is wisdom.

Entertaining all sorts of doubts about meditation is not wise. Your basic duty is to meditate regularly without any desire or wish. This is wisdom of highest order.

Always be happy come whatsoever and never fail in your duties, spiritual and material both.

Meditate, meditate and meditate.



By Shivabalananda

DIVINE MESSAGE for the month of May 2013

During meditation divert your total attention from outside world towards your SELF, using your total energy and entire skill.

Inward path leads to SELF but outward path takes you to wild world.

Always be happy; that is your nature.

Always be peaceful; that is your eternal abode.

Always dwell in your innermost SELF; that is you in reality.

Never entangle with ever changing ephemeral outer world; it will lead you nowhere.

Come on, come up and come out from common pitfalls of life with your own skillful effort, spiritual company and regular meditation.

Save yourself first, then others next from the worldly wilderness.

You will find every thing within and nothing outside.

Meditate, meditate and meditate.



By Shivabalananda

DIVINE MESSAGE for the month of April 2013

Guru has taken the responsibility of helping many million devotees of the present age to get liberation.

If these devotees do not practice regular meditation,the Guru has to do for them too.

The guru becomes very happy with all those devotees who devotedly and cheerfully undertake their portion of meditation.

If all the devotees do their meditation duties regularly, Guru's task becomes very easy and Guru gets opportunity to help many more under His meditation mission.

Guru expects every devotee to practice at least one hour of meditation daily. Rest Guru completes to grant liberation to many more.

This is a golden opportunity for all the devotees of present age.If they do not wake up and undertake this simplest journey to liberation , they are likely to lose the greatest opportunity of life.

Do not look this way or that way. Look straight to your brow center and meditate well.

Meditate, meditate and meditate.



By Shivabalananda

DIVINE MESSAGE for the month of March 2013

If you are worrying for any thing and every thing, it indicates that you are either not practicing meditation regularly or you are not using your meditation properly.

If you are continuing to become sad on any issue or event, it indicates that you are not trying to reach a stable state in meditation practice.

Regular practice of meditation ensures that you are mostly free from sadness, worries and all negativity in life.

Gradually your regular meditation practice should put you in a state of equanimity all the time.

Meditate, meditate and meditate.



By Shivabalananda

DIVINE MESSAGE for the month of February 2013

You should get addicted to meditation. More you meditate, more will be your addiction.

You should be obsessed with meditation. More you practice, more you practice more will be your obsession.

Longer meditation presents you many happy gifts each time. These gifts are your real treasures. None can take it away from you.

Worldly treasures are trashes in the end. Meditation treasures are gems from the beginning till end.

Practice meditation and generate the inner gems non-stop.

Meditate, meditate and meditate.



By Shivabalananda

DIVINE MESSAGE for 78th Birth Anniversary, January 24, 2013

Know that the root cause of all sufferings is ignorance.

Ignorance is caused by identification of Self (eternal)with body-mind(ephemeral).

Ignorance can be eliminated only through leading true spiritual life right from child hood.

In reality it is not happening as whole world has become materialistic and spiritual teachers & students are in dire minority.

All the problems of the world can be solved if practice of meditation is made compulsory by all governments for all human beings.

With the practice of meditation the true spiritual understanding dawns from within.

True understanding enables everyone to experience oneness of all in spirit.

This is the highest aim and objective of all human beings.

Every human being is capable of achieving this in one life itself, if he/she keeps focused all the time.

No qualification , degree or merit is needed for this.

Only persistent self-effort and regular meditation practice are needed.

Keep remembering Swami and do your best.



By Shivabalananda

DIVINE MESSAGE for the month of January 2013

There is no use to believe others for ascertaining your state and spiritual progress.

The spiritual progress depends upon your own effort, faith, equanimity, dedication and patience.

Human life world over has become too much materialistic. Obviously, devotees have to face many worldly problems.

Devotees should face all the challenges and problems of life with spiritual outlook, with calm & cool mind all the time.

More you experience your real nature more easy it becomes to face the outer world in a smooth and harmonious way.



By Shivabalananda

DIVINE solicites, invites, welcomes and appreciates your questions and comments.

Please email Shivabalananda at ranjitbsingh@yahoo.com